In a small cross-functional team (Project Manager, Full-Stack developer & UX-Consultant) we validated a business idea through rapid prototyping using the lean-startup method.
Working at location we developed and tested 2 apps.
Market-leading couponing and voucher portal. >80 employees.
E-Commerce, B2b
3 months
UX Consultant
For the sake of discretion, no details about the application and customer can be given.
Based on our research and tests it turned out the solution was not addressing a real pain and therefor not easy to market. Operation costs would be (too) high in comparison with return of investment.
The client saved a money by not having to deduct own capacity and suffer high opportunity costs by executing an idea before vallidating it first.
By working at location we where able to show hands-on how to vallidate a business idea in a cross-functional team in a short time span.
After the project the client was able to integrate this process internally.
With the right team setup there is no need to create a click-dummy.
Once the solution was formed and the wireframes created, we were able to quickly develop a native app that could be tested in real circumstances.
Internal knowledge should not be underestimated. We did several workshops with the client to gather insights about the customer and brainstorm about the business idea.
On top of that we had 80 employees that were willing to install and test the app in their daily life.
Let's connect,
and find out how I can help you now or on future projects.