Case study


problem sollution fit

In a small cross-functional team (Project Manager, Full-Stack developer & UX-Consultant) we validated a business idea through rapid prototyping using the lean-startup method. 

Working at location we developed and tested 2 apps.


Market-leading couponing and voucher portal. >80 employees.


E-Commerce, B2b

project duration

3 months

my role

UX Consultant

For the sake of discretion, no details about the application and customer can be given.

what the client learned

the idea was not feasible

Based on our research and tests it turned out the solution was not addressing a real pain and therefor not easy to market.

Operation costs would be (too) high in comparison with return of investment.

to save money by validating an idea

The client saved a money by not having to deduct own capacity and suffer high opportunity costs by executing an idea before vallidating it first.

a new method to use internally

By working at location we where able to show hands-on how to vallidate a business idea in a cross-functional team in a short time span.

After the project the client was able to integrate this process internally.

" There are no facts inside this building.
Go outside and validate your ideas with your potential customers.

what I learned

no need for a click-dummy

With the right team setup there is no need to create a click-dummy.

Once the solution was formed and the wireframes created, we were able to quickly develop a native app that could be tested in real circumstances.

benefits of working at location

Internal knowledge should not be underestimated. We did several workshops with the client to gather insights about the customer and brainstorm about the business idea.

On top of that we had 80 employees that were willing to install and test the app in their daily life.

"By being integrated in the team it was easier to identify the company culture and advise the client how to optimise their (working) habits.

tools & methods

post-it, maker, illustration

business model canvas

concrete business idea

Getting to a more contrete business idea using the business in collaboration with the CEO & CTO.
value proposition canvas, illustration

value proposition canvas

defining the target audience

Collecting hypothetical customer pains, gains & jobs.

We organized a workshops with internal staff, who already built up a lot of knowledge about their audience.
user flow, illustration

user interviews

getting to know the customer

Validating the collected hypotheses in user interviews.
User interface design, wireframe, illustration

competitor analyses

understanding the market

Learning more about the market weaknesses, potentials and user expactations from products & services already available.
Wireframe screen, QR code


visualising the idea

Quick sketches in Invision Freehand & Goodnotes App on iPad to visualize the different sollutions.
2 woman, mobile transaction cafe

Native app development

a real experience for proper testing

Using the Ionic framework and the Material Design library we quickly turned the wireframes into a functional app that could be installed (APK) on the tester’s phone and used in their daily life.
shake device, gesture, illustration

collecting feedback


To validate our solution we asked the testers to send us direct feedback on their experience with the app. (Using the integrated feedback function of the Ionic Framework.)
4 people talking, illustration

skill share

teaching the internal staff new methods

During the whole project we invited the internal staff to come visit us on ‘Donut Dienstag’ (Donut Tuesday). In these meetings we presented our progress, brainstormed ideas and showed the methods and tools we used.
Illustrations drawn by Fleur Augustinus (me) - inspired by the real content that is under NDA

the donut method

Below is the real footage of the donut method - a proven concept to connect with a team and improve the company culture.


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